Friday, June 18, 2010

HOT! Africa HOT!

It's about a hundred and two today. Not bad really. Considering that it will probably reach 110 next week here in Scottsdale.
Sitting at the computer in this heat and trying to write is ridiculous. Unless you're already a successful author and you can afford to have your AC pumping cold air all day long. I'm not and I can't.
Speaking of not being successful ... I have a terrific children's book on the market now that I worked my ass off to get published and the only one I've sold was the one I bought.
I have sent notices to all friends and family and not one person has ... oh wait ... my cousin Cathi in San Diego did try to buy it and got hung up in the purchase at Amazon and I guess gave up.
I don't get it. I was always a good boy, "a nice little boy" who was good to everyone. I must have done something pretty awful. No one gives a damn.
Friends and family have always asked me to support their work and I always have. Where is the reciprication? WHERE IS THE LOVE!
I would understand if the book sucked, but it really is good. The people who have read it and the children in my son's first grade class loved it. So...what the hell?
I know. I'm ranting. I told you it was hot.
I gotta go stand in a cold shower.

For the E-Book go to
For the paperback go to
And if you want to read a good scary true story try

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Books Are Now Available!

"Almost Dead" is now available in paperback at
"The Truth about Monsters" paperback is at
I am very excited about having both of these books "out there." "The Truth ..." belongs in every home that has children. I read it to my son's first grade class and they loved it. A great gift !

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Two books available soon.

I am waiting for copies of "Almost Dead" and "The Truth about Monsters" to arrive in the mail. I will proof them and if all looks good then I will approve the books to be available for sale.
There will be E-Books for both as well.
I will announce when everything is in place.
Very excited about these books being ready for public consumption.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

First Publication

My Ebook, "Almost Dead," was published today at Smashwords. I am very excited about this and I am working on two more upcoming publications. Everyone is going to like the children's book when it gets released.
In the meantime, if you have a moment go to and take a look.
I will need everyone's help to pave the way for my children's book. Tell your friends and do what you can.
I appreciate all of your help with these projects.

Monday, March 1, 2010

I Say It's My Birthday.

Monday morning, dark o'clock and the days begun. Why is it that my birthday always falls on March 1st?

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Here's The Other Newfound Photo from "Cuckoo's Nest."

                                              Wow! What a kiss that was. I can still taste her.

I Found This Picture Recently. 1975 University of Arizona - That's me playing R.P.McMurphy and Vicki Abelson playing Candy in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest."

                                                      It's 1975 - Check out those sideburns.